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This one will take your breath away! At least it’s taking mine away. I feel claustrophobic just seeing it and I can’t imagine being inside of this place. Keret House is a project envisioned by Jakub Szczęsny of Centrala, soon to be developed in a narrow void between two buildings in the district of Wola, Poland. Keret House is said to have an interior that will vary between 122 centimeters and 72 centimeters, making it an extremely narrow house. With a total area of 14.5 square meters, the new house will accommodate a workspace as well as a guest studio. The project was especially created for Isreali writer Etgar Keret who believes this type of interior will provide great work conditions. Electricity will be ensured by a neighboring building. And the stairs will be retractable and controllable through a remote.

Enough said. I need to breathe! Now, take a deep breath and tell me, is the soon-to-be thinnest house in the world Cool or Fool?



Can you imagine having to wait for stairs to come down every time you want to enter to your house?

Air? Where?

I can imagine how dark this place will feel, even if every wall is white. Also, notice the stairs go up and become the floor. I simply cannot imagine living in a place without windows.

A Look

The project.


Have you ever felt you live too close to your neighbors? Imagine this!

I really can’t wait to know what you think of this Cool or Fool! Would you be able to live in a place like this? What do you think of this project? Could it be the answer for big cities and their vast population? A vision for the future? Or it’s just another crazy idea?

One thing I have to say, it’s nice to look around and see my house after I saw this place. I can breathe here… oh, I love space! Isn’t it wonderful to feel blessed for everything you have in life?

I hope you feel blessed for not everything you have but especially for everyone you have in your life. Enjoy being with them.

Wishing you a happy weekend!


Luciane at HomeBunch.com

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Source: Fresh Home.

* “Cool or Fool” happens every Friday. I’ve started this section where I post “different” and controversial things that I know some of you will love and others will not. The point is to tell us what you really think, regardless of anything. It’s a space where you speak your mind and analyze what you see. Have fun with it and laugh along the way!

Posted in: Uncategorized

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18 Comments to 'Cool or Fool: The Thinnest House in The World'

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  1. The enchanted home said,

    I must show this to my son he can bring it in for his show and tell project…OH MY WORD! I first thought it was a vitamin capsule stuck between two buidilngs…I am claustrophobic just looking at it much less residing in it….FOOL FOOL FOOL.
    Did I say I think this is a fool? My hearts beating a little faster seeing how narrow it is..yikes!

  2. maria said,

    Personally, I find this a very scary idea. I’m not particularly claustrophobic, but I can imagine waking in a cold sweat if I lived here. And the thought of climbing a ladder to get to bed – cool idea if you’re under 10! It’s the biggest “fool” you’ve featured Luciane, but it made me and my son laugh!
    Have a good weekend xx

  3. Erin said,

    Ok now that’s all fool there! It really did take my breath away….and not in the good way your blog usually does! It did give me a big smile though, so thanks for that!

    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  4. Michelle @ Ispirato Design said,

    Okay, from a design point of view, I say very cool. Just like CONCEPT CARS are cool. Realistically, FOOL!

  5. The Texas Peach said,

    Wow, I feel cramped in our 2 bedroom apartment! I can’t imagine living there. It gets a cool vote for innovation, but a fool for livability. This house just looks like a giant white medicine capsule stuffed between two buildings to me. Ha! Hope you have a happy weekend too Luciane!

  6. Nichole@40daysof said,


    I don’t understand – is there a kitchen?

  7. SizzleandZoom said,

    Fool for me. This is the most foolish you have been in these posts (for me). I see the itsy kitchen and itsy table with two chairs. I suppose the shower comes on as you stand next to the toilet. Maybe nice for a bachelor with an atheltic girlfriend.

  8. Ewa said,

    It is scary. Wola is district of Warsaw (were am im living).

  9. Sallie Ferguson said,

    I tend to like small houses, but this borders on ridiculous.
    I’m glad you had pictures, because this is unbelievable. I hope he writes “short” stories.

  10. Sheila Zeller said,

    Nope, no way. Uh-uh! There is no way I could do this house! I am claustrophobic and I could feel myself trying to breath just reading this post. Hats off to the designer, but I’m running as fast as I can in the other direction!

    I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving Luciance.

    XO Sheila

  11. Barbara@HausDesign said,

    It’s definitely original, so I can’t say fool, but I can’t imagine needing (or wanting) to live in a space THAT small…!!!

  12. Victoria Athens said,

    Very creative. Reminds me of those tiny cabins that are 150 square feet or so. I couldn’t live in them either. No way. No how.

  13. Sherry said,

    The upside is it would be really cheap to furnish this place. Way too claustophobic for me. Yep, Fool for me.

  14. Teresa @ Splendid Sass said,

    I would have to go on a diet before I could move here, so it is a fool for me.
    I hope that all is well with you, Luciane. Keep me posted on the baby news.

  15. Meera @ firstsense said,

    Certainly is an ingenious way of using space, but I couldn’t live in a space like this. I’d still vote cool for the ingenuity of creating accommodation where it seems impossible.

    Hope you’re doing well, my lovely! Life is keeping me busy at present, but I will definitely catch up whenever I can.

    Meera xx

  16. ana maria said,

    oi Luciane

    Nossa, pra mim é terrível, gosto de espaço e claridade.
    Vou acompanhar tuas postagens de sexta e ver o que de novidade vais nos mostrar.

    bju amiga, um lindo início de semana pra vc!

  17. Valerie Kilpatrick said,

    I’d have to diet and hire someone to help me carve out a couple of windows, but I say cool, because t is such a clever use of space!

  18. Calico Child said,

    couldn’t do it I would feel so claurstrophobic!!!

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